The Peoples Water Board holds its meeting the second
Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm at the Cass Corridor
Commons at 4605 Cass Ave. Enter off of Forest.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Demonstration outside of Water Board of Commissioners Mtg (1.27.2010)

In this video, you see People's Water Board Commissioner Andre Martin leading demonstraters with the chant, "Drip, Drip. Drip, Drip. I need my water now."

The People’s Water Board Coalition hosted a demonstration outside of Detroit’s Water Department building on Wednesday, January 27. "We are surrounded by 20 percent of the World’s fresh surface water supply, yet we continue to see water rates increase, water shutoffs in homes, and pollution impacting our drinking water quality. This needs to come to an end,” explained Melissa Damaschke with Sierra Club.

The People’s Water Board Coalition presented a number of concerns at November’s Detroit Water Board of Commissioners meeting. Ann Grimmett with Michigan Welfare Rights Organization explained, “We still haven’t received any response from the Detroit Water Board. This is unacceptable. As a Coalition, we plan to host a demonstration before every Water Board meeting until the Water Board implements the following:

- Place a moratorium on water shut-offs
- Fully implement original Water Affordability Plan
- Televise all Water Board Meetings
- Publish meeting agendas and minutes on website (minutes need to include: number of shutoffs, pending shutoffs, volume of combined sewage overflow, water main breaks, contracts, illicit connections or illegal dumping occurrences that were found and penalized)
- Stop conservation penalization through rate hikes
- Stop outsourcing city jobs
- Involve the public in creating demonstration projects that engage and educate the community on how to protect and save water (i.e. rain barrels, rain gardens, green roofs, community workshops, etc.)
- Provide a public update on the Federal Consent Judgment


Join us in our efforts!!!
The People's Water Board meeting is on Monday, February 8 at 5:30pm at the Michigan Center for High Technology building located at 2727 Second Avenue; Detroit. p

Friday, January 15, 2010

Help us advocate for water justice in 2010!

People’s Water Board Coalition Meeting

Date = Monday, January 18 at 5:30pm
Location = Michigan Center for High Technology Bldg (2727 Second Avenue; Detroit)